-- card: 5190 from stack: in.1 ееее -- bmap block id: 16454 -- flags: 4000 -- background id: 5064 -- name: -- part contents for background part 3 ----- text ----- Advanced Game -- part contents for background part 4 ----- text ----- In this version of HyperJotto you are told which letters are common between your guess and the hidden word, but you get no positional information. The order of the letters in the results field is not related to the order in which they appear in the target. When playing this version of the game, it is very important to think about the letters that you know are NOT in the word. That helps to narrow down the possibilities. The AlphaPad is a way of keeping track of what you know during a game. -- part contents for background part 5 ----- text ----- “About” is a good word to start a game because it has 3 vowels, but out target has none of them: “While” as the other 2 regular vowels (but don’t forget Y!). Now we’re making progress. Let’s try a word with ‘S’ in it: Aha! And, we know there’s only one ‘L’. Let’s check for double-E: No, only one ‘E’. Actually, the answer was STYLE.